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Adult Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program (PRP)

Integrative Therapeutic Solutions offer a range of rehabilitation services to adults ages 18 & up who experience difficulties resulting in behavioral problems related to substance and alcohol use disorders and severe mental health illnesses.


Our ServicesOur services are designed to promote, reinforce, and equip participants with the skills required to thrive in their home, work, and community.

Practices employed by ITS PRP aim to assist persons in to develop, reach and maintain goals of their choice in the community.  Practices include:

  • Health Practices
  • Housing Stability
  • Communication
  • Safety
  • Managing Time
  • Independent living skills
  • Nutrition
  • Problem Solving
  • Family Relationships
  • Alcohol/Drug Use
  • Psycho-Education Group
  • Dual diagnosis skills
  • Socialization/ Community Integration/Community Resources
  • Sexuality
  • Coping Skills and Symptoms Management
  • Leisure/Recreation
  • Money Management
  • Physical Health/
  • Crisis prevention and intervention
  • Employment
  • Transportation


  • Persons with federally-funded Medicaid and Dual Eligible Medicare and Medicaid.

  • Persons who meet the medical necessity criteria

  • Person willingness to participate.

Integrative Therapeutic Solutions offer a range of rehabilitation services to minors ages 5 through 17 who experience difficulties resulting behavioral problems and mental and emotional illnesses. We are a client-centered program that embraces diversity, inclusion, and individualism. As the need occurs, Integrative Therapeutic Solutions will make necessary adjustment to meet all population. The program is designed to provide rehabilitation services to:

  1. reduce symptoms of a person’s psychiatric disability, and
  2. maximize the person’s ability to function successfully in the community. 

Our Services

Practices employed by ITS PRP aim to assist persons in to develop, reach and maintain goals of their choice in the community. Child and Adolescent PRP intervention include:

  • Health Practices
  • Housing Stability
  • Communication
  • Safety
  • Managing Time
  • Independent living skills
  • Nutrition
  • Problem Solving
  • Family Relationships
  • Alcohol/Drug Use
  • Psycho-Education Group
  • Dual diagnosis skills
  • Socialization/ Community Integration/Community Resources
  • Sexuality
  • Coping Skills and Symptoms Management
  • Leisure/Recreation
  • Money Management
  • Physical Health/
  • Crisis prevention and intervention
  • Employment
  • Transportation
  • Engaging person’s in the program
  • Assessing with the person’s interest and preferences for rehabilitation services
  • Developing rehabilitation plans
  • Defining the person’s preferences regarding a rehabilitation environment
  • Educating the person about mental illness and recovery
  • Helping the person learn about what is available in the community and identifying options the person may be interested in pursuing as rehabilitation goals
  • Assessing what the persons needs and prefer in terms of skills and supports to develop, achieve and maintain rehabilitation goals
  • Assisting the person in gaining and utilizing supports and resources including linking the person with appropriate services that are mindful of cultural content
  • Advocating for the person as needed
  • Creating a socio-cultural environment which supports recovery
  • Developing and implementing strategies to assist the person in developing, achieving and maintaining rehabilitation goals.


  1. A referral is made by a licensed mental health professional for PRP services.
  2. An initial Face-to-Face Screening is conducted by Rehabilitation Specialist to determine eligibility and a person’s willingness to participate in the program.
  3. Authorization from Optum Maryland is obtained.
  4. If approved, services are initiated within ten (10) business days of receiving authorization.

Our services are designed to promote, reinforce, and equip participants with the skills required to thrive in their home, school setting, and community.



  • Persons with federally funded Medicaid.
  • Persons who meet the medical necessity criteria
  • Person willingness to participate



Benefits of PRP Services

How to get started?

Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program (PRP)

Adult PRP services include:​


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